I call out to my son: We should go see that up close!
But we grew distracted with the shops and general busyness along main street until it was time to catch our train and speed toward home.
One week later we kick ourselves. Why did we miss that? How could we forget to see the main attraction?
A relatively unsightly alley leads to a different Palace, and it is easy to miss it; it is even easier to consider the road hence as dark, lonely, oppressive.
But something looms there, something beautiful and worth embracing. Let us go that way.
Maybe it's a boy thing, it's so much easier to see places and things with my sister than with my brothers. Anyway, I hope you got to see what you missed...
I have that experience many times too ... distracted by the forest and missed the one ancient tree that I've been walking hard in the forest to reach in the first place :)
it is quite like life, isn't it? we get distracted with things we have to do - busy things, 'stuff'. and sometimes we miss the beauty looming just a few steps away. :)
There is always another time.
I love your prospective, Alli. Lead on and I shall follow.. embracing the greatness of what lies beyond.
Oooh I would have been kicking myself too. I do love your picture though, getting a glimpse of the good stuff while you're moseying.
Ah oui, vous étiez à Berne. Il faudra que tu me donnes des nouvelles pour ton fiston !
it is a magnificent looking building
The best time to check out that interesting "thing" is now... but you know that! :)
You missed this for shopping! My kind of traveling partner hee hee. There's always next time.
Time may bring you back again. Embraced the moments that were...you did:)
Love to see more of the Federal Palace. It looks awesome.
Gives you something to look foward to next time :)
I miss things all the time. You wouldn't think so especially the way I rubber neck it where ever I go. You'll go back when the timing is just right.
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