I am Shopkeeper.

It starts early in the morning when my teenager opens my bedroom door with far too much enthusiasm and half whispers/half shouts into my room, "Mom! Good morning! Get up!" If by chance I don't actually move my body to prove I'm awake she continues in German (singing mercilessly) for greater effect: "Guten Tag! Guten Tag!" Which, of course, gets me up ten-hut so she'll stop.
The life of a working mom is anything but monotonous. Between caring for people with the stomach flu, cooking meals, cleaning for six and keeping the home looking cozy and welcoming, there are dashes to the computer to craft linguistically sensual texts, make arrangements for my clients, smile and be professional while wiping orange juice up off the floor.
There are the nights we moms stay up helping kids get their projects completed (though we wish with all our hearts for bed), juxtaposed with the nights we stay up assisting professionals get their projects completed (still wishing for bed).
And yet, there is nothing I'd cut out of my day. But there is something I'd add to it: more love.
Do they sell that at my shop? Is there a "Help Yourself" sign at the register for when I'm busy stocking the shelves?