Saturday, October 16, 2010

I'm back in Oz with lots of pictures from home...there was a day I sat in my old room and looked out the window at a most familiar scene. My heart swelled and shrunk as waves of memories collided with the deep nostalgia only home can bring.

Padding downstairs in the frigid and dark hours of morning, I would feel the thick carpet as it moved beneath my feet, light flickered and hummed as it came on, welcoming the smell of coffee flavored with America's sweetest creamers. The great midwestern sun would pulse its way upward as dogs began to stir, and the sound of the voices of loved-ones echoed through the house. There were always voices.

As I lay in my own bed this morning, I closed my eyes and tried to remember the comfortable feel of quilts, the hum of dad's breathing machine, the scratching of squirrels climbing up trees outside my window. I bent my ears to hear the sounds of mom's piano, notes now lost upon the winds of a continent I have left behind.

The thick fog of my own village has settled over the mountain, and I am home to the family that is now mine... the little feet I will strain to hear in years to come, the voices I will long for when this moment, too, has passed.


Sarah said...

Génial, vous êtes de retour !!! Gros gros bisous !

Judy said...

I'm glad you made it home safe and I can't wait to see your photos.

penny said...

My watery eyes enjoyed your sweet memories of childhood home and life, Allison.
Your words flow like a gentle stream through time.
be well, be happy
and have a blessed day ;)

Out on the prairie said...

Have missed you while you were gone.What a night and day change in scenery and lifestyles.The raviolis are a little crunchy, like a bread, but the more you do them the faster it gets, took me 1/2 hour.You can boil them also.

Mom and Dad White said...

You are greatly missed in this "home" of yours.

Diane AZ said...

Lovely image and beautiful memories. For me when visiting home, everything seems familiar and at the same time brand new.

Teté M. Jorge said...

Ah... lovely, Allison! I miss you, dear!

I hope you have peace and love.


A warm hug.

Evi said...

C'est émouvant ce que tu as écris. Je remarque que ces trucs-là je ne peux pas les revivre parce que la maison de mon enfance a été rasée. Mais je peux me remémorer beaucoup de choses malgré tout. Essaie de le faire encore en fermant les yeux. Faudra peut-être juste mettre des tampons dans les oreilles pour ne pas être dérangée par les bruits qui n'on rien à voir avec ton enfance. Et pourtant, certains pourraient y ressembler. Sauf que ce sera toi la maman...

Southern Lady said...

Beautifully written. So glad you made it home! Carla