Tuesday, August 17, 2010

All this week we will have our book-covering factory spread out over the hall table. Yesterday afternoon I cut, folded, taped, cut, folded, taped ... the Russian took over as evening came on (when he saw the look on my face!) and I sat in the living room listening to him cutting, folding, taping, cutting, folding, taping.

After twenty or so books, it isn't over yet! My 9 year old has predicted that tonight's onslaught will be worse. And you have to wonder... why do workbooks that will be thrown out at the end of the year need to be covered? So many of life's existential questions come out as you cut, fold and tape. Anyone want to come for coffee and philosophize with me?


Unknown said...

I have been through all that more than once. Its been over now.. Quite a few years ago.
Have a great day Allison.

Evi said...

Bien sûr que je veux venir boire du café et phylosopher avec toi, mais comment pourrais-je? Puisque moi aussi je coupe, plie, colle, coupe, plie, colle... Certains livres ou cahiers on ne les verra plus jamais, mais quelle fièreté lorsque le carnet de devoir tiens le coup jusqu'à la fin de l'année scolaire !
Trop chou le papier hello kitty.
Bonne continuation ce soir....je penserai à toi. Penseras-tu à moi?

Allison said...

Yes, I will think of you Evi ... did you buy Converse or Spiderman paper? ;)

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

My daughter have 4 years old...over two years I will ask you to help me :))) regards

Evi said...

Oh, thank you! Dont buy Converse, Spidermann or Hello Kitty paper. One kids have choised red, one black shiny and one black mat. They will adorn with stickers and pictures themself.

Sarah said...

Voilà que je file sur ton blog et... aussi une photo de ciseaux ! Eh, pas mal l'idée du Starbucks ! Je me demande pour qui c'est ;)! Moi, je crois avoir presque fini ! Bizzz Alli et à une proch j'espère... tu es bienvenue quand tu veux pour un p'tit caf !