All the while I walk, I can't help but hope that the holy rood is set firmly over the edifice that is my life. And if I should be summoned to leave these walls behind...
post script: I just re-read this and think it sounds utterly depressing. Sorry. It was not meant to be! By leaving the walls behind, I was thinking more along the lines of "being called to greater but more challenging things"! :)
I enjoy the corridors that lead to brighter things...although sometimes they get lost in the maze of this life.
Hope you are doing ok....If I lived next door I would come over with cinnamon buns, coffee....and a hug.
Didn't sound depressing to me at all, Allison.
Muddling through the muck to get to the shore is just part of life. You'll get there! :)
I'm with Nancy, I don't think it sounds depressing. You are just living life...((((HUGS))))
I hope we all live somewhat of a mystery. It keeps everything so amazing in our lives.
are you speaking of life in general and all its challenges or are you speaking of faith? or more directly, moving on from a certain faith? there's all sorts of open space out there if you want it... (but i can certainly understand hugging the familiar walls too!)
I didn't think that it sounded depressing...just beautifully written. Carla
I didn't get the depressing thing either. Really made me think though.
Not depressing...very thought provoking! Greater things are always on the way :)
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