All smiles and warmth, she never fails to warm my heart. We compared notes on what we were picking out, talked about shady spots versus full sun, lice on petunias, the courage to select an unexpected and as yet undiscovered specimen.
She is a hard-core farmer (I have great respect for hard-working rural women) ... but never makes me feel like the gardener en herbe that I really am.
My compliments to a farmer's wife who is utter elegance and grace.
Farmer's/iron worker's wife here --but never have had much elegance and grace. Just a tomboy who grew older but not up. :)
After living amongst the farmers and their wives...My hat goes off the them and all the hard work they do...I feel like a slacker next to them.
she sounds like a wonderful bright spot in your day. hurray for farmers and sweet cousins!
Looks like some nice choices.Was it aphids on the petunias perhaps?
Comme tu racontes bien ta petite rencontre surprise avec la cousine d'au-delà des collines :D:D:D
Il faut vraiment que tu écrives DES livres, car les choses les plus "banales" du quotidien tournent, grâce à toi, en histoires passionnantes! Trop chou. Le plus beau, c'est que j'entends le rire de M. au moment où tu la prends en photo.
Oh! Is that the greenhouse where you bough them? Gorgeous! I just love a stuffed-to-the-gills nursery. Makes me want to stay forever!
I really like the bottom photo Allison, such lush colours and bountiful life,,,M
So beautiful! It makes me want to get out there & plant some more :) I'm so bad at selecting what to grow. I tend to pick what I like & hope for the best :D
Ahhhh... I love flowers!
What a delicious images...
A warm hug, honey.
Just the beauty that I needed to see after a long week of work.
simply lovely images and post!
With so many beautiful choices its hard to decide. Elegance and grace also describes you and the way you write, Allison.
be well, be happy :)
Color, variety, beauty--all in one spot!!!!
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