What do you say to a couple of kids who've worked hard to play fair but have just been cheated out of first place by someone who didn't?
I listened as the fathers spoke to the team and was inwardly proud, the recurring theme being fair-play... play to have a good time... play to be proud of the game... don't stoop to that level.
Their attitudes were solid and sound despite the disappointment, and I say they're the winners this time around. First place.
They are the winners Allison..
They sit on the first place in lour hearts.
because of fair play.
Have a great week.
It's all good -- they are learning that life is not always fair. Bummer though. Better luck next time!
I laughed at your comment today on my blog about your dvd player. Taping while watching kinda defeats the purpose... ya think? :)
Its not whether we win or lose, but how we played the game.
awww. i'm sorry for them. but it is a lesson to learn - to keep your values no matter how tempted you might be to play dirty too...
We have been there too Allison. Each of my kids played three sports each, so basically year round sports for us. We have seen our share of unfair officiating as well as dirty players and obnoxious coaches. I think it is such a hard lesson for them because they are doing everything right and are not being rewarded for it. I use to say you will be a better person because of this. You will always treat people fairly because you know what it feels like to be on the receiving line of unfairness. Poor kids, that's one thing about sports I don't miss now that my three are all in college.
If they played fair they were already far and beyond better than the other team. Not only that but good Karma will follow them into the next game.
Yep, those who play by the rules always win even if it doesn't look like. Have peace in the fact the other team members will probably be arrested some day. ;)
How hard that must have been :( I like what Meg said! LOL!
nice post!
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