a little quirky;
a little slanted where others seem to be straight.

But this window fits a stairwell - and endears me to itself by its individuality.
Like you do.
With your quirkiness and slanted-ness;
your off-color thoughts and unexpected ideas.
With your shocking honesty.
Never try to fix this, please. I like you how you are.
Sometimes its hard to walk to the beat of your own drummer.. not fitting in with what others see as the norm..
I say 'viva la difference'.. walk your own quirky path and be whatever you are.
be well n happy Sweet Missy Alli
I think quirky is wonderful. Just imagine if we were all the same. How boring it would all be. Beautiful picture Allison !!!
Quirky -- I like that description. I think you need to be a bit quirky to get along in this world these days. :)
i love this silly little off-kilter window! what an unexpected treasure...
Sweet little window, evoking wonder and compassion just by being itself. :)
If we were all the same what could we talk about?
Did anyone else have to screw up their eyes to look at this? It makes my brain hurt! :)
My favorite of all windows- it is!
Quirky is fun! :)
What a great shape for a window! I've never seen anything like it. I had to do a double take! :)
What a great post. I feel like this everyday at work. Sometimes they look at me like I am speaking some foreign language.
very surprisng!
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