Why, eat it, of course!
I'm thinking this is Trader Joe's way of making lemonade out of lemons, and as the snow falls from a sky that has been grey for weeks, I can't say that I blame them. I ate it all up yesterday while getting back into work after the holidays, wondering all the while if candy cane coal might be responsible for a nation-wide rise in bad behavior.
Thanks mom!
That is awesome!
Sweets for the sweet, I'd say. Brr, its been in the 40's at night.. don't you feel sorry for me, Alli.
Warm hugs and smiles across the alps,
i remain an imp ;)
My parents never did the coal in the stocking thing. Not sure why. But I'm all for edible coal. :)
that is cute. :)
LOL! I have never seen that before. That's hilarious!
what is this for? Never seen it before
I m seeing it for first time also.
Looks interesting.
Happy New Year Allison.
A lil coal and a lil bad behavior never hurt anyone. Nothing like sweet treats in the stocking! :)
Hope you are having a wonderful 2011, my friend! Carla
I love Trader Joe's. It's always a weekend stop for me. Great wine section!
i got some as bubblegum one year
Wow I like the creative idea ... "chocolate candy that look like edible coal" ;) Must be fun eating them. Happy New Year to you Allison!
Looks like it pays to be naughty every once in awhile. Aren't mothers wonderful!!!
Was it licorice flavored like mine was?
looks delicious, sort of,,,
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