Bringer of joy...
One advantage my kitchen provides is a bird's eye look at people coming to the front door. I see many things from my cozy nook of a kitchen ... both funny and sad.
I see my children coming home from school; a daughter dreaming as she admires the leaves and flowers along the way; a son zooming home on his scooter, waving as he discovers my face in the window, a smile suddenly lighting up his; a husband looking up in stealthful calm, relieved to be home; yet another daughter sniffing the air to see what is for lunch - evaluating whether or not she approves!
I watch as other children pass by, those who are going home to no one; the friendless, the lonely. Last week, a girl who normally rides the back of her boyfriend's motorbike walking solitary, looking back now and then and around her. Who was she looking for? Bless her, I whisper from where I stand.
And there are people like this one who bring cupcakes and joy. If you could see her face, you would see sweetness embodied. Would you like to taste one? she asks. Oh yes! And a dash to the door, a hug, a bit of love, a taste of heaven on earth.
It is not hard for me to stand there as I stir the rice or bake the bread; it is a chance to watch the world go by... and what can I give those who pass to brighten their way?
from meagane
miam mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I can't believe it! That is so sweet! =)
I wish I could always bring a bit of light in your life!
Then your wish has come true because you already do, sweet sunbeam of a girl!
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