Thursday, August 19, 2010

Her first homework assignment! Tiny hands learning tiny letters.


Costea Andrea Mihai said...

succes :)

AB said...

She seems to being learning the cursive form first. Here in Saarland, they learn Druckschrift and then Schreibschrift.

Evi said...

C'est parfait, bravo C.! Voilà la quatrième qui brillera dans ta famille Alli. You are so luky !
Tu as des enfants qui sont comme faits pour l'école!

Allison said...

Yes, they learn the cursive first, which I have never quite understood. We learned printing first in kindergarten and it does seem easier to start. I've also noticed that the adults here tend to lean toward printing later in life as opposed to the States where most adults write in cursive ... a strange phenomenon! ;)