The Swiss Germans have a saying I find both comical and meaningful ... "unter Arme griffe". To hold someone up by their armpits. Over the years I have used it in jest as well as with feeling.
With five-thousand miles separating me from the person I would do anything to comfort, I ask myself how that is possible. I sit and look out upon this deceptively glorious fall day and hope, yes in German, that my thoughts are like hands under armpits.
I will hold you up, friend.
A sorrowful time is sometimes the best time to use a bit humor.. after all, its what makes us human.
Sorry for your loss, dear sweet Allison.
Its especially hard when you are so far away from that special friend.
Blessings with a wink n a smile ;o) and (Hugs) to comfort you, my friend
So sorry to hear about your friend's mother. I know that your friend will feel your love over the miles. Praying for you and your friend during this time. Carla
It is good your friend can lean on to your shoulder Allison.
Yes, how good it is to have dear ones who care, who love, who weep with such friends.
You have good thoughts, Allison, and that's a comfort to your friend, even away...
You're a wonderful person and I'm so proud of you keep in touch with you.
A beautiful weekend, dear.
A warm hug.
I'm sorry about the loss of your friends mother. I know it's hard for you not to be with her...but knowing that you care, despite the miles that are between you, will help to carry and comfort her.
Thoughts can carry for miles, even through time.Let her know your feelings.
...I discovered a text really intense, I have great sorrow for you...
superb places!! thank you!
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